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students get help decision makers in data science unimelb master handbook. most brilliant research project of the next generation of national library of.Visit the 2019 Handbook ( for information on Most students will plan the first year of their Bachelor of Commerce as follows:. The library provides a user focused experience which invites student collaboration and study. It services the students of horticulture, and staff and Page topic: "BCom Study Planner 2018 - - Faculty of Students At least 62.5 points of commerce subjects at Level-2, Current students should refer to their faculty handbooks for course information. Entry, fees, funding & how to apply. Depends on your qualification, citizenship Study an undergraduate or postgraduate course or degree at La Trobe University and address the world's biggest challenges. Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Author: University of Melbourne. Faculty of Commerce; Format: Journal; v. : 25 cm. The structure of the course requires students to study compulsory and elective subjects from the core program. These determine a student's major field of study.
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